Selecting web colors for the general population and color vision deficiency users can present some challenges. In order to satisfy both audiences (as well as client needs), the web boasts some free tools to help designers make sound choices.
Using the accessibility standards set by the WC3 (World Wide Web Consortium) Contrast-A (a.k.a. Dasplankton) is a website that provides tools to build, preview, save and print custom color combinations all on-the-fly. With a highly functional and well designed interface, Contrast A offers a feature for producing hardcopy of your chosen swatches with a key indicating proper contrast for WC3 compliance. The site also displays text sampling of body copy and the ability to save custom palettes.
For launched websites, will do an audit on foreground/background colors as well as DOMs (Document Object Model). After the review, the website builds a laundry list of all hex colors with their corresponding HTML usage. Contrast ratios, brightness and color differences are rated with a check mark (for passing) or an “x” (for insufficient contrast). To double-check those colors that don't pass, just click once on the “x” mark and you will be presented with a breakout of the brightness, color difference and luminosity/contrast ratio. Whether you're hired to finish a website already started, or make improvements to an existing site, checkmycolours will do the job for making those last minute tweaks for WC3 compliance.
Using the accessibility standards set by the WC3 (World Wide Web Consortium) Contrast-A (a.k.a. Dasplankton) is a website that provides tools to build, preview, save and print custom color combinations all on-the-fly. With a highly functional and well designed interface, Contrast A offers a feature for producing hardcopy of your chosen swatches with a key indicating proper contrast for WC3 compliance. The site also displays text sampling of body copy and the ability to save custom palettes.
For launched websites, will do an audit on foreground/background colors as well as DOMs (Document Object Model). After the review, the website builds a laundry list of all hex colors with their corresponding HTML usage. Contrast ratios, brightness and color differences are rated with a check mark (for passing) or an “x” (for insufficient contrast). To double-check those colors that don't pass, just click once on the “x” mark and you will be presented with a breakout of the brightness, color difference and luminosity/contrast ratio. Whether you're hired to finish a website already started, or make improvements to an existing site, checkmycolours will do the job for making those last minute tweaks for WC3 compliance.