ColorChooser offers the flexibility to create RGB and hexadecimals colors on-the-fly using the provided color wheel or by taking a photo from your iPod/iPhone’s camera. Other features:
- Selection of colors or color schemes based on monochromatic, complementary, analogous, triad and tetrad groupings.
- Gives numeric values for colors in RGB, hexidecimal.
- Ability to customize your own color scheme, save, load unlimited scheme as well.
- Can email a color scheme.
- Will let you take a photo, or choose one from your library to grab a color sample while giving a numeric readout of it.
A few features that should be included in the next release should be the ability to enter in values, or sample objects through the camera first—before taking a photo.
ColorChooser App
by Bynomial
ColorChooser App
by Bynomial